UBC Faculty of Arts Waitlist

This project was developed on and off by three engineers in Arts ISIT, including me. I was responsible for introducing several key design principles of the application: tabbed semester browsing and minimalism on the student interface to simplify the fast paced registration workflow and reduce the amount of text student needs to read at any one time, quick inline editing and interactions in the administrator page, descriptive language on the interface and error messages tailored to the mental model of each types of users.

” I had a meeting with the Chair of our main student group today and the feedback on the wait list system was very positive…all in all a success. Thank you all for your help!” — (Administration Manager, SLAIS, commenting on the 1-year pilot usage)

How it works?

Arts ISIT develops an online web from for the department’s identified wait-listed courses. Students will then go to the online wait list form to register for the desired courses and are added to a queue on a first come first serve bases in the order of priority. Once the specific course(s) has an opening (i.e. when a student decides to drop from the course or enrollment numbers are increased), the student on top of the wait list queue is automatically enrolled into the course. The student will receive an automatic email notifying them of the change.

(Administrator’s Interface)


(Student’s Interface)


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